TetraPlot - Software for Plotting Chemical Compositions in 4 Component Systems
TetraPlot is a tiny program for plotting chemical compositions in 4 component systems on equilateral tetrahedra.
- For Microsoft Windows 7 or later (64 bit), download TetraPlot1.7.1_Setup.exe (Released on Jun. 8, 2022.)
- The source code is available on GitHub. You can compile it using Lazarus for other operating systems.
Installation (on Windows)
Run the downloaded setup program.
- Run "TetraPlot" in Start Menu.
- Input axis titles at "Axis titles" section.
- "Add" a series at "Series list" section and select it.
- Edit series information at "Details of the selected series" section.
- You will get the tetrahedral diagram on "Diagram" window.
If images do not appear below, try reloading the page.
Naoyuki Hatada, Ph.D.
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
- hatada.naoyuki.8u@kyoto-u.ac.jp
TetraPlot is licensed under the MIT License.
Cite TetraPlot
Naoyuki Hatada, TetraPlot - Software for Plotting Chemical Compositions in 4 Component Systems, https://n-hatada.github.io/tetraplot, accessed Month Date, Year.
June 8, 2022
TetraPlot is now an open source software. Version 1.7.1 is released on GitHub.
November 19, 2018
TetraPlot 1.7.0 is released.